
Creating A Clear Blue Print Of Various Stages Of Your Writing Contest

      Engaging in writing contests and poetry contests demands more than just literary ability; it requires a strategic and well-thought-out approach that encompasses various stages of participation. The initial stage involves thorough research and selection of the right contests. This goes beyond mere identification of contests; it entails understanding their unique criteria, themes, and judging panels. A well-thought-out blueprint guides writers in selecting contests aligned with their writing style. Moving forward, writers must pay careful attention to the contest guidelines. Every detail, from word limits to formatting preferences, is essential. Overlooking these specifics can undermine a submission's potential, making it crucial for writers to meticulously adhere to each requirement. Once the groundwork is laid, the next stage involves crafting the submission. This phase demands a delicate balance between creativity and precision. Writers must align their work w

How To Benefit From Critiques And Assessments In Online Art Contests

  Participating in online art contests  not only provides opportunities for recognition and exposure but also offers the invaluable chance to receive critiques and assessments from experienced judges and fellow artists. Constructive feedback is useful for an artist as it will help the artist know their limitations. Approach critiques and assessments with an open and growth-oriented mindset. Understand that receiving feedback is an essential part of the artistic journey. Adopting a growth mindset allows you to value constructive criticism and take your skills to the next level.   Carefully read and analyze the critiques and assessments you receive. Take the time to understand the comments and suggestions provided by the judges and fellow artists. Pay attention to both positive feedback that highlights your strengths and areas of improvement that offer opportunities for growth. Understanding the feedback helps you identify specific aspects of your art that you can focus on refining. It i

Why you should commit to Participating in Art Contests

Your art career will only generate enough results if it is valuable. Its value will depend on your competence and relevance. Thus, you must continue to sharpen your artistic skills to keep up with the increasing competition. To achieve that, normalize competing with other experts. Listed are reasons why you should continue joining competitions for artists. Advanced Skills  The artists set the limit to their careers. That will depend on their commitment to developing their skills and expertise. The best way to train effectively is by joining  art competitions . The judges can shed light on areas you need improvement. By following their advice and opinions, you will turn your weaknesses into strengths. That will empower you to create the most impressive artworks. Hidden Potentials Without facing any challenges, you will never know your hidden potentials. The  art contests  put pressure on every participant to create the best artwork. Hence, they will take time to think creatively along w

Introduction to Painting Techniques: For Beginner Artists

Knowledge of various types of painting techniques and styles will greatly improve your art. It will call for mastery of color, tone, texture, composition, and brushwork.  This article shares the fundamental painting techniques that will propel your art to the next level.  Top Painting Techniques. Here are the main techniques we are going to explore:  Underpainting Blocking in Build up texture Sgraffito Glazing Painting with mediums Underpainting Burnt umber is the best for establishing values and shadows when creating an underpainting. A mix of phthalo blues and burnt sienna will also suffice. Use an acrylic medium because it is permanent and dries quickly. If you are using slow drying paints, work the paint up from thin to dark. For the highlights, add the heavier bright paint at the end. Use a kitchen towel to clean brushes and wipe out any excess paint.  Blocking In Brushes are of various types and with different fibers, thus different results. It is good to try them all until you f

Qualities Of A Good Online Art Contest

 Are you planning to participate in the art contests online? Have you not participated in the art contests before and are you looking for best contests online but not sure how to select your art contests? If yes, then you are not alone and just about everyone that participates in the art contests for the first time goes through similar challenges. Here are few quick tips for you to spot the best art contests fast. Is the event organizer or the contest organizer totally new to this field or it is a well-known brand? Go with contests organized by well-established brands and this will help you get the best contest experience. Someone that has been organizing art competitions for years would know how to conduct a competition smoothly. You cannot expect such a seamless contest from someone that is organizing it for the first time. When you are signing up for the art contests, you will have to first make sure that you are submitting your artwork to the right platforms. You should continue

Benefits of Art Competitions: Art Guide

  Do you wish to grow as an artist and develop your art career? If your answer is in the affirmative, try art competitions. This will create your self-confidence and give you much-needed exposure as an artist.  How Can Art Competitions Help You? Entering  art competitions  signifies that you are serious about your work. It also shows that your work needs recognition in the art industry. It takes courage and faith in oneself to enter into an art contest.  An art contest is a good way to re-evaluate how much you have grown as an artist, what needs improvement and determine your entire art creations' collective impact. Each piece of work is unique in terms of presence and impact. A competition opens you to new ideas that help you make better decisions concerning what you will be working on next.  Benefits of Art Competitions * Confidence * It helps evaluate your art * Updated portfolio Confidence It takes confidence in one's creations to present the work for judging by someone els